Sep 22, 2011

All You Need is One: Portfolio


Name: Jassem
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Date of Birth: May 12
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 197 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Blood: Type AB
Known Relatives: Hadeel (Mother), Hamad (Father), Manar (Older sister), Monira (Older sister), Fatima (Younger Sister), Tariq (Younger brother), Sienna (Younger sister), Latifa (younger sister)
Language speaks: Arabic, English, Spanish.
Pastimes and talents: Body building, Sports, sensible.
Favorite foods: Meat
Favorite Music: flyleaf
Favorite manga genres:  Doesnt read
Favorite type of girl: Smart, hot girls.

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